Dear Visitor,
Thank you so much for visiting this site.
My name is Thomas Sandberg, I am a board certified animal naturopath and I am the founder of Long Living Pets Research Projects, a 30-year observational study into longevity and cancer prevention in dogs and cats.
Contact us:
Support ticket/email: Use the button on the bottom (right) of your screen.
Phone: 844. SOS PETS (844.767.7387)
I offer consultation for anyone struggling with their pets suffering from health conditions that conventional medicine falls short of resolving. There are many natural strategies and modalities that can be life-changing for dogs and cats, helping them to recover by addressing the root cause of their condition. I will share my experience from 25-plus years of documenting cases I have been involved in, plus feedback from thousands of dogs and cats from my raw feeding study.
For consultations, please go here
Long Living Pets Research Projects
I'm following and documenting over 6000 dogs and 1000 cats from around the world being fed a diet of raw meats and bones. This is the world's largest and longest observational study into raw fed dogs and cats.
I created this store to help people find good quality nutritional products that I have researched and tested. I also created this to support the research programs and a new rescue and rehab center that I will open in 2023. These projects are funded by me and sales from this site and from donations by pet lovers around the world. Thank you all.
I have added a supplement section for humans that will further help fund Long Living Pets Rescue and Rehab Center. 50-80% of the profits from these products will go to the center. I thank you in advance for any purchase you make.
Thomas Sandberg, CSAN, CCNC, AADP
- Board Certified Animal Naturopath (ACAN)
- Board Certified in Canine Nutrition Counseling (CAN)
- Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (AADP)
- Founder of Long Living Pets Research Projects (2000-2030)
- Founder of Long Living Pets Research Foundation. Inc a nonprofit organization raising funds for research into longevity and cancer in pets using an all natural approach.
- Owner of The Animal Naturopath, helping pets restore their immune system so they can heal themselves.
- Founder of Long Living Pets Research Academy, a private community of raw feeders and pet parents that apply holistic modalities to keep their pets healthy.
- Founder of Long Living Pets Rescue and Rehab Center. We rescue unadoptable pets from shelters that, due to lack of funds, will be euthanized.
If you like to make a donation, please go to: https://llprf.org/donate/
Long Living Pets Research Projects dba. Cito Navigia LLC
PO Box 477
Oakley, UT 84036
To contact us:
Support Ticket/email: Use the button on the bottom (left) of your screen.
Phone: 844. SOS PETS (844.767.7387)