Why I love raw food - It is the best medicine for your dog and cat.

Why I love raw food - It is the best medicine for your dog and cat.

Food is thy medicine, medicine is thy food (Socrates) . My all time favorite quote! Nothing comes closer to the truth with the health care of dogs. 

I have not seen a dog or cat recover from a chronic health condition while on a commercial kibble or wet food diet. It just doesn't happen. If you believe it does or have witnessed it working, I challenge you to provide evidence of long-term success.

The use of certain medications, like prednisone, may offer short-term relief and create the impression that they are effective. However, these medications only mask the symptoms instead of addressing the underlying cause, which is a common issue with many drugs. They focus on alleviating symptoms rather than promoting healing.

Many medications can negatively impact the immune system, especially when used long-term. What some veterinarians may refuse to acknowledge is that there are natural alternatives to medication.

That's where people like me come in. Everything I share and suggest is based on results. I have seen what I recommend work more than once. Unfortunately, there is very little scientific research involving natural supplements, so we often cannot back it up with that, which leads many to dismiss natural modalities.

The allopathic approach focuses on addressing symptoms and providing relief from pain and discomfort. While this can be necessary in critical cases, it is important to consider this method as a short-term solution due to potential side effects that may harm the immune system.

In contrast, natural healing equips the body with the resources it needs to heal itself. Every species has the inherent ability and programming for self-healing. The immune system operates 24/7 to locate and eliminate pathogens, and a healthy immune system is typically capable of managing this effectively.

If you have issues you cannot resolve using allopath methods, but do not know how to treat holistically, please contact me and I will share what I know. 


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